
Parure On the theme of « la parure », I created a sumptuous piece of lingerie exclusively handmade. Between sensuality & fineness, this exaltes the breast of every women because all are beautiful.  WORKSHOP made in december 2020 (project made in one...


Anomalie La production en série à pour objectif la création de modèles parfaits, dans une uniformité totale, tous dépourvus de défauts. Mais il arrive qu’il y ait des bugs de série, des défauts de fabrication. Ces produits “anormaux” sont alors soit bradés, soit...

Géométrie Mouvante

Géométrie Mouvante Géométrie Mouvante Based on natural dyeing, this project is made of colours and cheerfulness and always in the respect of the nature. That patchwork collection is called « danse rythmée » because samples are dancing throw the wind by their lightness...


Up ! Up ! This project is based on the upcycling of a piece of denim, one pair of jeans and that it. The aim was to imagine 10 sample that were almsot composed of the pair of jeans chosen. This was very interessant in a texture point of view. I unweave, stick, sew,...